Sean's Memes

This be where I answer meme questions, dawg!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Whinge and Whine

What do you do when others try to put you down when telling em your dreams?

To be honest, I usually play a rigged game. You see, I start off by describing this wonderful vision of me becoming some great fighting champion, the likes of which the world has never seen. Then, of course, they look at my size and say 'yeah right.' Then I beat their asses down and they realize that it just might happen after all.

When you were a kid...

1. What two things did you do when it rained?

I did more than two things when it rained, but I'll describe my two favorite.

First thing was to have an eating contest with my younger brother. First one of us would eat something (actual food) then the other would match it, then eat something else. And it went back and forth. Puking to make room for more food was allowed. This ceased when my brother had to go to the emergency room for a ruptured throat or something.

We also tried replicating the so-called Ben Franklin experiment with the kite and the key in a jar. We only caught the lightning once, and when we gave it to our mom to open, her hair stood up for two weeks.

2. What two things did you do when you had a rain/snow day and didn't have to go to school?

Can't say I've ever had a rain day, but as for snow days my local gang would get together and have snowball fights with the kids from the school across town. It was great because their school hardly ever called off, so we usually ended up going to their playground and bombing them until they cried and went inside.

The other thing my gang did, mostly because of our friend's mom, is collect random items. She thought she was a witch and would cast spells and stuff for our success. It was usually toads, or stray animals, but sometimes it would be flowers and such.

3. What two subjects in school were your favorites?

My favorite subject was history because I thought it was all made-up and started writing my own history and using that on tests. Didn't go over so well with the grades.

My second favorite subject was math, because I thought I could make up math. Well, it turned out I rederived some of the basics of calculus, but it didn't really help with my times tables.

4. Who were two of your best friends?

Andrew and Ron.

5. What/who did you dream you would grow up to be?

I thought I would grow up to be a race car.