Sean's Memes

This be where I answer meme questions, dawg!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

3x Thursday: 11/08/y2k+7: Randomness

1. Weather you have kids or not, if you were given a kid to take care of (say, it *had* to go to you for whatever reason), would you raise it? Why/why not?

I've heard that the human brain is a computer, and I firmly believe this is true, so I'd definitely love to be given a kid to raise. It would surely be better than getting an adult with all its preloaded software. It probably wouldn't even be able to run cool games like Bioshock.

2. How do you feel about pain meds? Do you like them? Do you condone the use of them for anything other than what they were prescribed for? Why/why not?

If the shoe fits, wear it. Pain medication is good for what its prescribed for, but if it works for other purposes, then why not use it? I mean, they could be good substitute for poker chips, or you could give them to your kids with some Elmer's glue to make some macaroni-esque pictures.

3. What's your favorite kid movie? Why?

My favorite kid movie has to be that new James Bond movie, Casino Royale. It's only a year or so old, but its mature beyond its year.


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